
Local Market-oriented Consulting Serviceswp2fe4bbb8_05_06

When you have nice ideas and plans to start your business but you are not the local of your target market, you would be easily embarrassed and give it up. Our company consists of the persons who share that kind of experiences and we have made solutions;

– Local Market- Oriented Starter Kit

– Business Consulting Service for the Consistent Revenue

They are fully customizable for every client’s need for the local target market environment.


Industry Practices by Cutting-edge Technologiesshutterstock_51472906

We are not just paper-working consultants. Having a very strong IT experience and background, we know how to manipulate the local-community-based SNS and mobile gadgets for success on the each local markets.

 It is possible from the long-term IT-based business below:

Data Mining from Big Data

SI for Call Center

Web Site Building Agent

Mobile Apps Development

Ad Service Agent via SNS

Rare Earths Mining

Local HR Outsourcing

Investment Advisor Service

Local News Provider
